Ordo Salutis: Adoption
This subject is more near and dear to me now than ever before because of how the Lord has blessed my own family. Recently we celebrated the first anniversary of adopting our youngest son. This process was quite difficult for us, and I have written about those difficulties here and here. And I am not the only one of us at The Gospel Forum who can testify to the power of this process in revealing the heart of God and displaying his sovereign grace. For myself, throughout this process, the Lord has taught me more intimately of the importance of this reality of adoption.

Ordo Salutis: Conversion
Conversion is the process in which a sinner turns from sin to God in repentance and faith, as a result of regeneration. Put even more simply, conversion is “the turning of a sinner to God.”

Ordo Salutis: Effectual Calling
Effectual calling is the outworking of God’s choosing (election) by which the gospel is brought to an individual who then responds in faith. This response of faith, the true mark of effectual calling, is brought about by the work of God’s Spirit in their hearts, bringing regeneration, which is the next logical step in the ordo salutis. So, before we get ahead of ourselves here, the aspect of salvation we are talking about in this article is the part where God calls out his elect and it is in this call that election in eternity past is reveled in the present. In other words, as Paul stated in Romans 8:30, “those whom he predestined [in election] he also called…”

Ordo Salutis: Election
God’s own divine intervention in this messy, sin-ridden world by the incarnation of the Son was no Plan B. He did not look down into the future and pick the best among us to represent him. If anything, he has chosen some of the worst. He has chosen the fools and the rejects, the abnormal and the too normal. But if we are honest in ourselves, we are all the same. We are not all as bad as we can be, but we are as bad off as we can be.

Salvation from First to Last: A Discussion on the Ordo Salutis
While there remains mystery in the work of salvation, and while our hearts may never fully scan the infinite depth of God’s mercy, he has given us a picture of this magnificent work. God has given us a clear message: good news of salvation through Jesus. This gospel is sufficient to save, even if our understandings fail.

Gender, Pronouns, and What the Bible Says
In this cultural moment, a shared understanding of who we are and who we were created to be is not the norm. When discussing identity with many of our friends, family, and co-workers we, as Christians, simply cannot assume a common biblical worldview. In fact, one recent revelation in our culture came about when a female Supreme Court nominee was asked to define what a woman is. Her response was that she could not… Her reason? “I am not a biologist,” she said. Unfortunately, this is not the only recent revelation of our current crisis.

Dismantling Faith: A Discussion on “Deconstructionism”
All my life I have enjoyed taking things apart to see how they work. I have not always been successful at restoring them to their original configuration, but I could at least get them to function again (most of the time). Besides, as any good shade-tree mechanic knows, there are plenty of extra and unnecessary parts that do not make their way into reassembly. We just cannot always tell you what those parts were intended to do or why they didn’t find their way back!

Since God is Sovereign, Why Evangelize?
To put it simply, the apparent contradictions between sovereignty and responsibility in the Scriptures are just that—apparent. Both God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility are genuine realities from a biblical standpoint and while seemingly at odds, must be wrestled with as both completely true and bonafide.

Surprised by Mercy
I recently wrote an article titled Trust Issues that gives the backdrop to what follows. If you haven’t yet read that one, it would help to make sense of what follows. You may find some benefit either way or you may not find any good at all! Nevertheless, there is more to the story and I do not believe it to be my own.
We often speak of how good God is and we love to sing “Amazing Grace.” I have been challenged recently, however, to ‘put my money where my mouth is’ on this and practice this kind of faith when dark clouds dim the light of his face.

What Greater Sign?
While we celebrate the resurrection particularly on one Sunday a year, Christians also celebrate the resurrection every Sunday. Indeed, we celebrate every Sunday. Often, however, it is easy for us to move back into our sermon series and extra curriculars, and move away from the beauty and power of the fact that this Jesus did rise from the grave.

Christus Victor
The nature of the atonement is central to Christian life and theology. Questions concerning the person and work of Christ, the relationship between God and man, the resolution to the problem of sin and the overarching story of redemptive history are all bound up in this discussion. At the heart of this conversation, the nature of the atonement concerns what Christ came to accomplish, what he actually accomplished, and why the atonement is necessary. If we get the atonement wrong, we cannot get the gospel right because the cross is at the center of this good news. Misunderstanding the cross leads to a false doctrine of God, man, sin, salvation, and the overarching message of the Bible.

Trust Issues
These days have been hard on the church. They have been specifically hard on the little church that I serve. We have lost loved ones—brothers, husbands, uncles, mothers, and friends. We have seen various families touched by tragedy. It has also been difficult for my own family.
Tolerance is Not Approval
Do you remember the feeling of freedom we had as children? Our imaginations ran wild and flowed unimpeded by the dams of the daily grind! Do you remember the fun of playing ball or hide and seek? How about pretending that you were a caped crusader or some other hero or heroine?
Despite our desire for unfettered freedom, even we knew there had to be structure, there had to be rules. Every game we played had some set of laws and many times, the rules were defined by the one who owned the ball and the bat. My ball. My rules! This dictatorial rule of decree was often argued but seldom overturned. Sometimes there was a cry from one of the older, wiser kids: “Guys, can’t we all just get along?”

Revive Us, O Lord: What the Church Needs Now
For most of my young life, I thought that “revival” required a big tent, and a loud preacher. A preacher who really knew how to make you feel bad about your sin, and convince you that you needed Jesus, and that you needed him now! “Turn or burn!” That description may not be all that far off from what you have thought to be true of “revival.

And They Were Not Ashamed...
“And they were not ashamed…”
These were the last words of a world unstained by sin in Genesis 2:25, a world uncorrupted by deceit and treachery. Things were just as they should have been at that moment. It was the sound of peace between God and Man. A sound that echoes regret in the space between the Garden and the Cross. The irony is breathtaking.

Show Them No Mercy
Of all the passages or themes in the Bible, (that are least understood and most overlooked) there are few that rival the Israelite acts of genocide against the Canaanites. There will even be some who cringe at the way I have presented it here. Perhaps it would be much easier to deal with if it wasn’t explicitly commanded by God. The failure of the church to handle these passages well has been a great obstacle to defending the faith. But I believe that this failure is a greater problem than the passages themselves.

Doubt and the Christian
Is anybody out there?
Have you ever felt like God has left you on your own? I am sure most of us have been there at some point. Some might describe it as feeling like their prayers are bouncing off the ceiling. Others might just feel as if God is absent.

Safe Harbor
God is unchanging. His Word, like Himself, is immutable. Unfortunately, the ways of the world in which we live are not so. The opinion of the day wins the prize for the obedience of the nations. The winning thought varies depending on the source. This opinion is invariably at odds with the will of God. Likewise, the criterion for such opinions is ambiguous.

Past and Future Providence
Have you ever gotten so caught up in the tasks or the demands of “today” that you have forgotten how you got “here” or where you will go from “here?” It happens to all of us. Whether it is the stress and strain of running a business, keeping up with job responsibilities, cramming for your next exam or parenting, we have all been there. For most, it is a place in which we can find ourselves far too often if we are not careful.

Knowing Christ
Knowing Christ and knowing of him are infinitely different. If we call ourselves “Christians” we better know which Christ it is that we serve.
Paul begins chapter 3 of his letter to the church at Philippi with a call for the church to rejoice. Indeed, as followers of Christ, if we look over the many things God has brought us through and the ways He has worked in us by His grace, we would have much to rejoice over! But all of this rejoicing is vain if it does not see the Lord as the giver, sustainer and source of all our good.