Revive Us, O Lord: What the Church Needs Now

What is “revival”?

For most of my young life, I thought that “revival” required a big tent, and a loud preacher. A preacher who really knew how to make you feel bad about your sin, and convince you that you needed Jesus, and that you needed him now! “Turn or burn!” That description may not be all that far off from what you have thought  to be true of “revival.

However, that is not the way that revival has been understood historically. In the Bible, we never see people who don’t already know God seeking revival. In fact, the very word “revival” implies that life be restored where it once already was. So, what, then, is genuine revival?

Genuine Revival

Genuine Revival is the returning of God's people to covenant faithfulness and the restoration of God's covenant blessings that results in the worship of God.

God’s blessings are not contingent upon the faithfulness of God’s people. Rather, God by virtue of his own nature, is faithful to his own covenant promises. He shows His faithfulness by reviving His people unto greater faithfulness that results in worship. Genuine revival among God’s people begins and ends with God himself

Psalm 85 shows that God uses past mercies and present troubles to bring about the revival of his people so that they may rejoice in his salvation.

Remember God’s Mercy in Past Deliverance (85:1-3)

Take a look around at today’s Church. I do not mean the group that you meet with on Sunday or even the building in which you meet. Look at the Church in the United States of America. The USA is not the epicenter of God’s blessing in the world. American Christianity is a far cry from the model. This is not the promised land, but the Church in this nation is in desperate need of revival. We are not excluded from revival, my friends.

Return to God’s Mercy in Present Troubles (85:4-7)

How often has the church been blind to her own failures and sins? Whatever has gotten us into the mess we are in, whether we are to blame or someone else is to blame, whether we have contributed to the problem or merely suffered alongside others…The truth remains that God is our only hope, and we must turn to Him. We must return to our God in times of trouble.

How many times have we sought revival and restoration from other people or from things outside of God?

How many times have we sought escape from our problems rather than engaging them? 

 We must return to the Lord and stop running around worrying about the things of this world.

Rest in the Certainty of God’s Word (85:8-9)

Listen to how the psalmist puts it here:

Let me hear what God the LORD will speak for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints; but let them not turn back to folly. Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him, that glory may dwell in our land.

 He will speak peace to his people… it is certain. There is no doubt.

But let them not turn back to folly. Surely his salvation is near those who fear him…

Fear and folly are on opposite sides on the spectrum. This is because fearing the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Fear is merely the beginning of wisdom. Notice he doesn’t say “salvation is near to those who are wise.” No! It is near to those who simply fear him. 

Church, not many of us are wise… but do we fear him? His salvation is near to you.

Don’t turn back to folly. Forget not the fear of the Lord! He speaks peace to his people… 

Rejoice in the Fulfillment of God’s Promises (85:10-13)

Christ is the fulfillment of God’s salvation and all his covenant promises. The work is not waiting to be done. It is finished.

“For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.” –2 Cor 1:20

It is on the cross that we see the union of steadfast love and faithfulness.

It is on the cross that we see the kiss of righteousness and peace.

It is because of the cross that faithfulness springs up from the ground.

It is because of the cross that righteousness looks down from the sky.

It is because of the cross that God will give what it good.

Indeed, it is in the cross that God has given the greatest good.

It is the righteousness of Christ that has prepared the way for us, that we should follow.

Friends, this is good news of great joy and it commands our worship! Rejoice, the Lord is King! His salvation has come, his Kingdom is here, and yet, the fullest expression of this grace and peace awaits us still. What glory awaits those who fear God!

We Need Revival

This psalm may not be talking about us. We may not have gone through an exile and have come back again. However, this truth is for us. This psalm may not be about us, but it is for us. Friends, we are also in need of revival. We are in need of having God’s sovereign grace gripping our hearts once again and restoring us to greater faithfulness and worship. 

If you believe this to be true, I leave you with this charge: In times of trouble, turn your hearts to God and resolve to trust in Him alone. This is at the heart of genuine revival that leads to rejoicing in God’s salvation.

If you are reading this today and you cannot claim these truths with confidence, the message is similar: Turn to the Lord!

“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”

Isaiah 55:6-7

May we rejoice in the life, death and, resurrection of our Lord Jesus, who is our salvation.

May we see genuine revival among us and join the everlasting song of God’s salvation.


Josh Sherrell is the Associate Pastor of Providence Church in Lehigh Acres, Florida. He has served in pastoral ministry for 10 years. He and his wife, Carolina, have four children together. Josh is also a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, where he is pursuing an MDiv in Biblical and Theological Studies.


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