Safe Harbor

Unchanging God

God is unchanging.  His Word, like Himself, is immutable. Unfortunately, the ways of the world in which we live are not so.  The opinion of the day wins the prize for the obedience of the nations.  The winning thought varies depending on the source. This opinion is invariably at odds with the will of God.  Likewise, the criterion for such opinions is ambiguous.

In a world like this, how is someone to know what is true?  The world says that you already do.  All that is left for you in realizing it is to share “your truth.”  That is, provided that “your truth” does not offend or openly condemn all other truths. Of course, you are excluded if you believe the authoritative source of truth is the Word of God.  In this case, you are considered to be ignorant and unwilling to accept “the truth”—whatever the flavor of the week.

What is truth?

The truth of God’s Word cannot coexist with the so-called plurality of such an “enlightened” world.  According to this philosophy, If there are many truths, a single authority cannot exist. However, if what is true is no longer true, then everything unravels.

The fact of the matter is not that this generation is on to something, but that they are committed to nothing, and accepting of everything at once.  Everything, that is, except for one thing: the truth. 

Difficult and Dangerous Times

These are proving to be difficult times to claim an authoritative source of truth in the Word of God. Holding fast to revealed truth in such a world can be like sailing in less than favorable conditions, to say the least.

These are not only difficult times, but they are also dangerous times.  We have a real enemy.  This enemy has foot soldiers peddling various ‘truths’ in contradiction to God’s Word.  Jesus encountered such as these in His day and when He did, His reply:

“You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44, ESV)

Just as there is truth, there is also untruth.  They are one to another as darkness and light.  It is dangerous in the dark, for in the dark lie many evils and snares.  But there is safety and comfort in the light and God’s people are called to walk in it.

Navigating the Storm

These thoughts have come to mind as I reflect on the difficulty of this world. I am reminded of the enemy, which we are warned about in the Scriptures. However these same Scriptures show how the body of Christ is to us a safe harbor in this storm-tossed world.

This truth has implications for the way in which we deal with sin as well. In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul responds to a report of sexual immorality within the church. He gave the following instructions in how the church is to deal with concerning the accused:

“When you are assembled in the name of the Lord Jesus and my spirit is present, with the power of our Lord Jesus, you are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 5:4-5

This is a difficult word. Church discipline is a loving act with redemptive intent to bring the wayward brother/sister back from their sinning, by handing them over to the consequences of it for a time. This passage seems to go even further in ways in which we do not have time to consider here. What is clear is that God dwells in the presence of His people. Because He dwells in their presence, these things must not be tolerated. 

Man Overboard

Consider this: to be handed over or delivered to Satan implies being removed from something. It implies being exiled from a place of safety to a place without protection, a place where Satan seems to have power over even the believer.  

 The goal of such action in this case is for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.”  The person once dwelling safely among the people of God in the kingdom of light is being forcibly removed and cast into the hands of the prince of the powers of darkness.  His powers are limited but nonetheless real and frightening. He is, indeed, “prowling around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 

It should also be noted that there is hope for the sinner who turns from his ways. This is, indeed, good news! How is there hope? Christ became a substitute for us, bearing the just punishment for our sin on himself, though he was without sin. His resurrection is the proof and his Spirit is the seal. All who turn from sin will find forgiveness in Christ. 

Safe Harbor

The enemy of the church may be prowling in the darkness but there is safety in the light.  His flaming darts may fly from one side or the other of our path, even piercing some, but he is restrained from entering into our fortress or cutting us off at the pass.  We are susceptible to fire and to attack but our victory is certain. Our way is secure. Our shelter from the storm can withstand the greatest of torrents.

Here in this safe harbor of the people of God, the adversary has no power or dominion over us.  All of his efforts to separate us from our King are futile for we have a kingdom that is indestructible, one that cannot be shaken.  We are not of those who shrink back into darkness but of those who press on and whose kingdom is light.

No matter what waves may come, here in this safe harbor we dwell in the presence of the Almighty and so will be our fate forevermore.



Josh Sherrell is the Associate Pastor of Providence Church in Lehigh Acres, Florida. He has served in pastoral ministry for 10 years. He and his wife, Carolina, have four children together. Josh is also a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, where he is pursuing an MDiv in Biblical and Theological Studies.


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