All tagged Jesus

Jesus is Risen Indeed!

The angels testified to this, His followers corroborated this, His closest followers died declaring this, His unbelieving brothers were forever changed by this, and throughout time - the resurrection of Jesus Christ has transformed the hearts of millions upon millions of people from all over the world as they've placed their faith in Him and repented of their sins. He is risen indeed!


Prayer is often misunderstood or misrepresented. It is commonplace after a tragedy is highlighted in the news media for many people (even irreligious) to send their "thoughts and prayers"--but what does that mean? Is prayer merely quieting myself and meditating while I think pleasant thoughts of comfort toward people? Does the Bible explain what prayer is--and is not?


Prayer is often misunderstood or misrepresented. It is commonplace after a tragedy is highlighted in the news media for many people (even irreligious) to send their "thoughts and prayers"--but what does that mean? Is prayer merely quieting myself and meditating while I think pleasant thoughts of comfort toward people? Does the Bible explain what prayer is--and is not?


But what is salvation? What does it really mean to be saved? The word “saved” in the Bible is also translated as “delivered.” So a Christian is a person who has been delivered from something or someone, which begs the question - what or who has the Christian been saved from? For these answers we must look to the Scriptures. Let me also add that this subject is far too exhaustive to explore in one article. We will only scratch the surface of what it means to be saved.


This is the pertinent question is it not? What is the Gospel? Certainly, the Apostle Paul had the utmost importance of the Gospel when he said in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” So, if the gospel is the power of God for salvation, what is it? What is the substance and essence that makes up the definition of the “gospel?”