Christians refer to the status of their relationship with God by using the word “saved.” Why do Christians use this word to describe their faith? Well, it is not the invention of modern Christianity; it is the very words that God uses to describe our status before him. The prophet Joel prophesied, “And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”( Joel 2:32). It is this prophecy that the Apostles Peter and Paul quote as they share the promise of the gospel. Peter stood up on the day of Pentecost and said it (Acts 2:21), and Paul also used it famously in Romans 10:13. So it is a biblical way to describe those who have come to know God by his grace through faith. (1 Timothy 1:15) 

But what is salvation?  What does it really mean to be saved? The word “saved” in the Bible is also translated as “delivered.”  So a Christian is a person who has been delivered from something or someone, which begs the question - what or who has the Christian been saved from? For these answers we must look to the Scriptures. Let me also add that this subject is far too exhaustive to explore in one article. We will only scratch the surface of what it means to be saved.

1. We are saved from something 

In order to understand our salvation we must understand our Savior. The announcement to Joseph that Mary was pregnant is of great significance. The angel told Joseph,“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21). The name Jesus means “The Lord Saves.” Jesus is more than just a name, for it also encompasses his mission. He was born to save his people “from their sins.” Here is our first clue in what we are delivered from — our sins. Sin is the breaking of God’s law (1 John 3:4) which is a revelation of his character and nature. God is holy, righteous, and good. Sin is the violation of God’s order, and a thief of his glory. God is the exact opposite of sin in every way imaginable. Sin is the reason that the world is cursed (Genesis 3:17, Isaiah 24:6); man is separated from God (Isaiah 59:2) and stands in judgment (1 Peter 4:5, Revelation 20:11-13). Sin is the reason that there is death (Romans 6:23), disease, and decay. Sin destroys and mars the image of God that is inherent within each human being. This sin is passed on to us from our father Adam (See Romans 5:12-14); we have inherited his guilt because we belong to him. This sin has been passed down from generation to generation and it will continue to be passed down until time is no more. When God saves us from our sin he also saves us from ourselves. As sinners we love this sin that brings so much destruction (John 3:19). We crave it, but it is poison to us and unless God saves us from this deception we would perish. Those apart from Christ will “perish” (John 3:16) and that means they will endure the eternal wrath of God.

2. We are saved from someone

Many times, when Christians refer to being “saved” they think of where they will not spend eternity. Yes, it is true that a Christian is someone who will not go to hell or the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15). However, there is a much deeper reality to this that must be considered. God not only saves us from a place, but he saves us from his wrath. (Romans 5:9) Let us not forget that God is not only the Savior, but he is also the Judge (Romans 2:16) Because we are sinners, we stand guilty in the presence of God. We are law breakers who deserve whatever sentence the law says must be given to law breakers. (Ezekiel 18:20) The judge is the one who has the right to execute justice. The wrath of God is the righteous and good anger of God executing justice for the sake of his glory. When God saves us from our sin he also saves us from his wrath. When we are saved we are no longer found to be guilty, but innocent, and righteous. (Romans 8:1) What an amazing thing to know that we who are in Christ will never have to stand before the throne of God condemned! We will never have the weight of our sins laid against our charge. The merciful judge has saved us from enduring that judgment day and his eternal wrath (Hebrews 10:31). The marvels of salvation is that Christ bore the wrath of God on my behalf. (Romans 3:24-26) God just didn’t sweep my sins under the rug, he put them all on Christ (Isaiah 53) and made a way to be satisfied through his death. (1 John 2:2). What amazing grace!!  God saved us from himself by judging Christ on our behalf. However, God not only saved us from himself but also he saves us to Himself. 

3. We are saved in time

Although the word “saved” is a word that implies something that has happened in the past, salvation is an ongoing reality. It is true that a Christian has been saved (justification - Titus 3:7), is being saved (sanctification 2 Corinthians 3:18, Philippians 3:12), and will be saved (glorification Philippians 1:6, 1 John 3:2, Romans 8:30 ). But we will save this glorious truth for another article. 


Dan Sardinas is one of the elders at Northwest Baptist Church in Bradenton, Florida. He has served in pastoral ministry for 25+ years. He is married to Lori and they have three children together. Dan also loves coffee and the New York Yankees. Follow Dan on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


