The Church and the Kingdom
The ecclesia (church) stands as the visible embassy of the basileia (kingdom). The church – the King’s renewed people – doesn’t need to adopt the methods, songs, strategies, or resources of the world, of Caesar. We have a true and better reality, a true and better song, a true and better doctrine, message, and methodology to promote! If Christianity is “just a religion”, this will cause the gospel message to be “substantially neutralized as a force in the world beyond the realm of private spirituality and an escapist heaven

The Kingdom and the "Already/Not Yet"
To review, the kingdom (basileia) of God is at the same time the ruler, the realm and the reign of Christ – as He fulfills His promise to Israel and subjugates His enemies. The ruler is Jesus Christ, the Eternal-Anointed-Servant-King who commences a “reinstatement of the originally intended divine order for the earth, with man properly situated as God’s vice-regent”[1]. The realm is Christ’s cosmic, visible new creation jurisdiction, whereas the reign is His personal, spiritual rule over individuals who have become born-again citizens through childlike repentance and faith. Jesus, the son of Abraham and son of David, Israel’s King, came as the Anointed One with the authority to restore creation as Isaiah predicted and initiate His loving jurisdiction.