All tagged gospel

God's Love for the Unborn

In early May 2022 news agencies across America were nonstop abuzz about an unprecedented leak from the United States Supreme Court. A draft opinion (later confirmed to be authentic) seems to suggest that the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade case which legalized abortion across the United States might be overturned.

Coronavirus and the Christian

As Christ-followers, we have a unique opportunity in the next few weeks and months to have Gospel conversations and to stand set apart from our neighbors as those whose faith is tested, tried, proven, and is at rest in the finished work of Christ. We don't fear death--we don't fear the loss of our assets--we don't fear what man or viruses can do to us.


Over the last two-thousand years, there have been countless views as to who the person of Jesus was. Some have claimed and believed that Jesus was a prophet of God. Others have said that he was a good teacher, still, others say that he was nothing other than a historical figure; a man, a first-century carpenter from the city of Nazareth. There have been many others who have gone so far as to argue that Jesus never existed and is simply a myth.