All tagged faith

Dismantling Faith: A Discussion on “Deconstructionism”

All my life I have enjoyed taking things apart to see how they work. I have not always been successful at restoring them to their original configuration, but I could at least get them to function again (most of the time). Besides, as any good shade-tree mechanic knows, there are plenty of extra and unnecessary parts that do not make their way into reassembly. We just cannot always tell you what those parts were intended to do or why they didn’t find their way back!

Calm Hearts In a Chaotic World

Christian platitudes fall short in effectively dealing with anxiety: “Let go and let God,” “This too shall pass,” “God never gives you more than you can handle.” While we’d like to think a certain amount of self-determination will keep our hearts in a good place, what if the truth is, we need something outside ourselves to have true peace?

Coronavirus and the Christian

As Christ-followers, we have a unique opportunity in the next few weeks and months to have Gospel conversations and to stand set apart from our neighbors as those whose faith is tested, tried, proven, and is at rest in the finished work of Christ. We don't fear death--we don't fear the loss of our assets--we don't fear what man or viruses can do to us.


You would think such a straight forward question would be relatively simple to answer. However, that is not the case. When the question has been posed to a variety of people it is amazing at the amount of significantly different answers or non answers have been provided. Some of the responses I have heard or read about have included the following.