Gender Roles Pt 2 Manhood

Gender Roles Pt 2 Manhood

True Manhood: The Call to Work and Lead

In today’s world, there’s a lot of confusion surrounding gender roles, especially when it comes to men and women’s roles in the home and church. Our culture often promotes the idea that men and women are the same, even pushing the notion that women might do some things better than men. However, this mindset doesn’t align with the truth found in the Bible. The Scriptures present distinct roles for men and women, particularly in two key areas: work and leadership.

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Gender Roles Pt 1: Corruption : Yet Hope – A Biblical Perspective

Gender Roles Pt 1: Corruption : Yet Hope – A Biblical Perspective

In today’s world, discussions about gender roles are increasingly complex and divisive. The confusion surrounding gender identity and the roles of men and women in society have created challenges, particularly in the church and family dynamics. To navigate these concerns, it’s essential to return to the biblical foundation for understanding gender roles. In this post, we will explore how Scripture reveals the original design for men and women, how sin distorted that design, and how hope is restored through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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When the Savior Weeps: Finding True Peace in Christ

When the Savior Weeps: Finding True Peace in Christ

In one of the most poignant moments recorded in Scripture, we find Jesus weeping over Jerusalem. Not tears of joy, but tears of profound sorrow. As He approaches the magnificent city during His triumphal entry, while crowds cheer and wave palm branches, the Savior's heart breaks for what He sees.

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You Cannot Have the Vineyard Without the Son

You Cannot Have the Vineyard Without the Son

Throughout history, people have tried to claim the blessings of God while rejecting His authority. We love the idea of a kingdom filled with peace, joy, and abundance, but we resist the King who calls us to surrender. Jesus addressed this very issue in His parable of the wicked tenants (Luke 20:9-18). In this striking story, He exposed the religious leaders' rejection of God’s rule and issued a warning that still speaks to us today.

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God's Love for the Unborn
Current Events SHAWN OTTO Current Events SHAWN OTTO

God's Love for the Unborn

In early May 2022 news agencies across America were nonstop abuzz about an unprecedented leak from the United States Supreme Court. A draft opinion (later confirmed to be authentic) seems to suggest that the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade case which legalized abortion across the United States might be overturned.

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Is Sound Doctrine Important for Ministry?

Is Sound Doctrine Important for Ministry?

While Calvin’s words can be applied broadly, certainly they can be applied specifically to the life of the Christian minister!  Doctrine, rightly understood and rightly lived out in the life of a pastor, brings tremendous blessings to himself and his congregation.

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Calm Hearts In a Chaotic World

Calm Hearts In a Chaotic World

Christian platitudes fall short in effectively dealing with anxiety: “Let go and let God,” “This too shall pass,” “God never gives you more than you can handle.” While we’d like to think a certain amount of self-determination will keep our hearts in a good place, what if the truth is, we need something outside ourselves to have true peace?

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