All tagged Shane Swezey

Labor of Love: Why Work Matters in the Christian Life

These slogans are plastered across society, found in media advertisements, school speeches, and graduation cards. But we also know the reality of work is far different. The dream job may not be a reality for many people. Work may not always be easy. There are quite a few jobs that no one dreams of doing, which means a lot of available jobs that are not dream jobs. Sometimes work is difficult, tiring, or boring. Even people who have jobs they enjoy find that there are days where it would be easier to just stay in bed. So, how should Christians view their jobs? What is the importance and roles of our vocations? How do we glorify God in our work?


The church is a building. Perhaps you are envisioning a grand cathedral, a quaint chapel, a location in a strip mall, or a school auditorium. While these are just a few of the many places that the church gathers, this is not the sort of building pictured throughout Scripture. In fact, it is ironic that when you ask most people about the church they attend they usually identify a physical building. Yet we see that Romans 16:5 says