All tagged Father

Ordo Salutis: Adoption

This subject is more near and dear to me now than ever before because of how the Lord has blessed my own family. Recently we celebrated the first anniversary of adopting our youngest son. This process was quite difficult for us, and I have written about those difficulties here and here. And I am not the only one of us at The Gospel Forum who can testify to the power of this process in revealing the heart of God and displaying his sovereign grace. For myself, throughout this process, the Lord has taught me more intimately of the importance of this reality of adoption.


The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most significant doctrines found in all of Scripture and foundational to the Christian Church. Knowing and having some understanding of the Trinity is therefore important to knowing God and how we are to relate to Him. The great challenge lies in how to effectively communicate this spiritual truth in a clear manner. There is nothing in our natural world that remotely compares to the Trinity and any attempt to draw from nature or human experience as a way of such comparison falls woefully short.


Prayer is often misunderstood or misrepresented. It is commonplace after a tragedy is highlighted in the news media for many people (even irreligious) to send their "thoughts and prayers"--but what does that mean? Is prayer merely quieting myself and meditating while I think pleasant thoughts of comfort toward people? Does the Bible explain what prayer is--and is not?