What is God Like? Introducing Divine Attributes
The Bible is a God-centered book. Take the book of Romans, for example. Among other titles, the apostle Paul penned the word “God” 153 times. The Bible’s opening words begin with God as he displays who he is in creation. God’s separation and opposition to sin is revealed in man’s fall. His holy love is expressed in the Bible’s plan of redemption, and the final chapters end with God displaying who he is in the consummation of his kingdom. Every act is first and foremost for the glory of his name (Ps. 19:1–2; Is. 48:9–11; Ez. 36:22–23; Rom. 1:5). If the Scriptures are read for reasons other than ultimately knowing who God is, then readers will miss its primary purpose. From beginning to end, the Bible answers the question, “What is God like?”