Coronavirus and The Word of Faith Movement

There is a saying in the political realm that says, “never let a crisis go to waste.”  Usually, this refers to how politicians abuse their power to gain from an unfortunate event. However, this statement is true in all aspects of life as men often hunger for power. This is most certainly true of the Word of Faith movement. (For more information on the Word of Faith movement listen to episode 9 of our podcast here.) Kenneth Copeland is the leading Word of Faith preacher having been around since the 1970s. He has been given hundreds of millions of dollars over the course of his ministry. There is nothing wrong with being wealthy. However, Copeland and the Word of Faith preachers have become wealthy by twisting the Scriptures for their own financial profit. This is the sum and substance of modern “prosperity” teaching as well as the Word of Faith movement.  This movement should be rejected as a whole. 

Kenneth Copeland “rebuking” COVID-19.

Kenneth Copeland “rebuking” COVID-19.

Recently, Kenneth Copeland went viral for all the wrong reasons. This video was used by news agencies around the world including The Independent (UK);  NOWTHIS; Newsweek; and The Guardian. Kenneth Copeland’s made an alleged “prophecy” in which he called COVID-19 and rebuked the disease. He did this while citing Exodus 15:8. This verse says that God will defeat His enemies with a blast of His nostrils. Copeland took this to mean that he had the authority to blow a blast from his nostrils at COVID-19 and therefore would eradicate this disease. On March 11th, 2020 he went on his television program and did just that. Of course, as we all know,  this did not work. Here we are on April 29th and we not only still have Coronavirus, but an exponential growth of it. 

This debacle by Copeland brings to mind Romans 2:24. “For, as it is written, ‘The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.”  This verse comes to mind anytime I think about a Word of Faith preacher. Sadly many of my non-Christian friends have judge Christianity as a whole because of these snake oil salesmen. Christ’s name is being dragged through the mud because of men like Copeland and Word of Faith preachers. The result is that their ears are closed to the Gospel because of it. God does not take lightly the twisting of His Word for personal gain. Remember that Jesus brought condemnation upon the Pharisees for nullifying God’s word for their own benefit and purposes (Mark 7:9). 

I understand that my words may sound unnecessarily harsh. However, on that day, when Christ returns and judges all mankind, what are we going to say? Are we going to say, “Yeah, I knew about it, but I wanted to be loving and kind.” Don’t get me wrong, I do not think you should be vitriolic and spew venom all over false teachers. God is the one that will judge not you. However, believers are to call them out and to point them to God’s judgment that is already upon them (John 3:17-18). The word of judgment that we bring to false teachers should be a call to repentance. On the day of judgment, these false teachers will hear, “Be gone from me, you worker of iniquity. I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:23). Are we going to claim that we love the things that Christ loves and let men like Copeland go about their perversion unwarned? If you love the things that Christ loves, you must conversely hate things He hates. If Christ loves justice, then He hates injustice. If Christ loves His Church, then He hates heresy.

  I didn’t want this post to be a heavy-handed rant against Copeland but rather, to point out why some believers do raise concerns. Is it that some men are too harsh? Yes, I’m sure. However, are all who raise concerns being too harsh? Or is it that some are too soft on false teachers?  Some men are too harsh and others too soft on false teachers but there is a balance in between. We must be bold in our proclamation and not be afraid to call out false teachers by name. However, we must also do this with a motivation for their repentance and submission to the Scriptures. The goal should not to be ridicule these men, but it should be first and foremost their reconciliation to God and man.

It is far easier to hold the “celebrity” prosperity preachers accountable and call them out for their heresy. However, it is not just them that need accountability. It is also lesser-known pastors who hold to the same false doctrine who no one is holding accountable. Let us also know that we must look to our local leadership and hold them to faithfulness to the Scriptures. Peter commands these pastors to “shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.” - 1 Peter 5:2-3. If you are a layperson, and your pastor has violated his duty then call him to repentance. If he does not repent, then warn the others in your church, and flee. But do not stop praying for that pastor. God may call that man to Himself at a future date, so keep on praying for him. Do not show bitterness and hatred as show your boldness but exercise love and compassion.


Nick Potts is currently an online student at Boyce College of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. In addition, Nick is interested in all things theological and how they apply and are the foundation for all of life. He is married to Lisa and together they live with their dog, Lacie. Follow Nick on Facebook or Instagram.


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